Hello, and welcome to my not-blog. I say not-blog because I really don't want to talk about myself much, if at all. I'll mostly talk about random whatzits and whogaws, and not always in that order. The whatzits are video games, and the whogaws are other things. You may notice the mostly Killzone theme to my profile. This is not because I'm a Sony fan-boy, I would like to point out that I feel I have no bias as far as the systems go (even though that is a biased statement.) This theme was chosen because I only have a Gamecube and PS2, and Killzone is the best FPS I feel that there is between the two. I mean there's only like four FPS's for the GC: Time Splitters 2; XIII; I think a James Bond game; and Call of Duty Something or Other. I'm sure that's not all, but that's all that comes to mind at the moment. Oh, yeah, and I actually genuinely enjoy Killzone. It's fun, and contains slow FPS action, just like I like it, but I digress. This isn't a review for Killzone, it's a sneak peek into the well-ordered chaos that is my mind. I probably won't update very often, but you never know, we'll see how things go from here. Should you feel the need to contact me, leave a comment, I'll read it. I haven't got much else to say, so I'll leave you with this:
I didn't make that.iam1006945 Blog
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