@Jaysonguy: Although Im late as hell, hahaha but you were right. the low quality graphics comment got me, lol.
@GhostHawk: XBox One should be more regrettable, no new games. Since Sunset Overdrive Oct.2014, finally and exclusive was release Forza 6 last month a sequel.
So 1 remaster 2 sequel and a timed exclusive. Microsoft haven't done nothing new since last year. XBox One is a different story 27-30 games releaserelease for 2015 only 2 are 1st party sequels(Halo 5/Forza 6) and 1 3rd party exclusive(RiseOfTheTombRaider). The XBone had nothing to offer this year, unless you're a Gears, Halo, Forza or Tomb Fan. Other than that my XBox One will be waiting on 2016 for new titles, unlike my PS4. I applaud Sony for being aggressive with Western, Eastern and Indie gms. I'm very disappointed in Microsoft for not delivery anything new this year. Just a few sequels at the end of the year for established franchises.
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