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#3 iamdoomed
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

That should be fine, looks like plenty of space around the sides and back, well the left side any way.

Maybe also in future reduce the pic size before uploading too. It a little big.

But most devices like this, about 10cm/4inches clearance all around should be plenty.

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#4 iamdoomed
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

Ok this isn't about politics, hating, religion, who is right or wrong. This is about game concepts nothing else.
Just tought I'd put this disclaimer here as I know the game example I give below will rub some people the wrong way for the wrong reasons.
Keep it about the game concepts you'd like to see, and check your patriotism and hating etc etc at the door.............

These days we get stuck with many games set in a particular area.
Generally most games, in this example military shooters, you play an American antagonist against some cliched foreign evil.
So if you could get a game made of your own choosing unlike anything currently available in western nations what would it be?

For me I want a game where you play as an Iraqi, or Afghan, defending your home from an Alied invasion.
The game would give a perspective from the other side of the fence, low tech weapons, guerilla tactics, some insight into why the "good guys" might actually be evil, and why the "bad guys" might actually have a reason for what they do.

In this case the game would be about an Iraqi Farmer for example, who while sitting in his home recieves word his son has just been executed out in a field by a couple of American soldiers for ****'s and giggles, or out of boredom and frustration from helping ungrateful "savages" who don't want their help.
He walks out side to see these soldiers posing for happy snaps and treating the boys body with disrespect and loses it. He awakens from being hit in the head with a rifle stock, to find his village ablaze and decides to take the war he had no part in to those who brought it to him.
As he travels across the country he discovers what true terror is and that it doesn't always come in a civilian dressed insurgent as he witnesses war crimes by those claiming to be there to save them.

I know many, especially from certain nation would absolutely hate a game like this, missing the point and thinking of it as some sort of terrorist propoganda and could never see anything like this being realistic.
But every story, including war has 2 sides to the tale, and it would be an interesting change and something completely different for gaming. I for one am getting a bit tired of Star spangled one men Army saving the world while being portrayed as honorable forces of good.

It might actually make people think and change how they see war as cool and the fight "just" from their side of the fence.

Anyway that is the kind of game we don't see that I would like to play. What would you like that isn't available on the market?

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#5 iamdoomed
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

US soldier in IRAN ? lolwut ?!MAZ85

Maybe they've been playing too much Battlefield 3 lmfao.

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#6 iamdoomed
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

lol is this a troll thread?

I love being told how we think.

Sounds like you've been drinking the kool aid of Islam in regards to the western civilization, that many U.S patriots drink about the middle east.
Thankfully with quite a few billion people in these groups, small minded individuals like them and you only make up a small amount of those.

Me? I only see 2 kinds of people on this planet, Humans and Stupid Humans.
Race and Religion I think are stupid concepts and put a great divide between us and our fellow man, and removes logic and common sense from everything.

But hey I say feel free to think and practice what you want, as long as it's not forced upon me and doesn't interfere with my life, because it's only the moment that it does interfere with how I live, or is rammed down my throat, is when people will get issues from myself.

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#7 iamdoomed
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts


The soultion is simple, buy gold.

Seriously, I can imagine people who feel like this are the ones you find on FB, Playfire etc asking for free codes.


i think you missed the point of the thread.....there was no asking for codes or that i couldn't get or pay for live. I just thought a company like MS should of gave out a christmas free live weekend is all.

I didn't miss the point of this thread, I didn;t say anyone asked for codes, and was also refering to the OP not you.
I said I IMAGINE they were the type of person to beg for codes, not that they were here asking for codes.
Maybe you've missed the point of reading before replying?

But any way I stand by my point of if you want gold, pay for it. Can't complain about not getting something for free that wasn't promised.
Not as if they won't have more free weekends for those to cheap to support their habit.

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#8 iamdoomed
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I could honestly write an entire book on just the bugs in this game alone. My last post only covers a fraction of the issues this game has.
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#9 iamdoomed
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

Crysis 2 is an example of how a game should not be made.

The full release MP was nothing like the online demo they had going right up until release.
The game was broken beyond belief, xbox has crap customer support from Crytek.
They release a couple of title updates that well, fixed nothing and one actually made the game more broken.
Network code is shocking with usually the person with the worst connection being made host 9 times out of 10.
e.g you have 16 players, 15 aussies and one American, the 1 American will be made host despite it not being in the interest of the other players.
Even been times where players who had a 256kb connection were made host despite most other players having ADSL2+ internet with speeds 8mbps and greater.

Within a month and a half of release, it wasn;t even in the top 20 list of games played on LIVE, even HALO3 was being played more.
You can wait 20-30 minutes to join a game. Then it might freeze your xbox as it loads. (heck freezing can occur at any moment)
It boots you out of your squads.

Hell I logged in after reinstalling the game and many of my online abilites I'd earned had been reset.
You could have a grenade land at a team mates feet explode and he'd live yet you standing 15 meters away will die.
Rockets hit the ground and richochet straight up like they're made of rubber.
No skill required, thanks to an over the top aim assist you can kill people across the map just from spray and pray firing.
You get killed because instead of the gun shooting a players target, the auto aim locks onto you instead 1000meters away.

Same for single player, bugs bugs bugs. AI that ran into walls until it died, would walk of cliffs, spawn up to it's waist in the road, they patched it, which just made the AI stupid and almost unresponsive to player interaction. Pick up weapons would vanish, achievments are glitched meaning sometimes you can't get them despite earning them. It can't keep track of unlocks, as you reload the game, it tells you, you have new unlocks when it's ones you've already unlocked and viewed.

You could shoot enemies with rockets and the rocket would fly through them with no impact and just dissapear, grenades vanish when thrown.

Seriously it could of been an epic game, the online demo MP was rock solid, the Single player is visually very nice, but it has to be the most **** buggy and broken game ever released on any format. And when it worked it was a great game.

And all apparently because of EA and Cryteks paranoia about their games unfinished beta being leaked. They decided to rush it out the door unfinished.

A very stupid move.

In the first 2 weeks my entire friends list was full of people playing it, then everybody stopped.

Save your cash, it's a joke of a game, not even the single player is worth paying for. (so much fin when the game goes to a black screen when you load a save, forcing you to restart the level with default weapons)

Get Crysis 1 off the market place instead, it's a good game, pretty much Far Cry with a Cyber suit, and Crysis 2 is nothing like it.
Only saving grace for Crysis 2 is it does look pretty.

Shame really it could of been a Halo and CoD killer, and I tried my best to love it, but Trading it for Battlefield 3 was the best decision I ever made.

Buy it if you must, but you'll have a hard time finding matches and when you do it'll just frustrate you to hell.

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#10 iamdoomed
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts
I mean heck, if you're poor they've no doubt offered you a month of gold for $1, if you can't eve afford that then maybe LIVE is not for you.
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