I say it's America. Much worse stuff happens to people and children every day. Who's to say we shouldn't see it because it's immoral to a person or group of people? I personally think it's about time we see the gritty realistic violence as apposed to gallons of blood that wouldnt really exist. That's disturbing, yeah, but if you're a disturbed individual, that's the type of stuff that makes games and movies moving and intriguing. If you dont wanna see it, dont put yourself in that position. It's that easy. Well put.
And before anyone says it's not America in their country, then their country would just ban it. Have fun with that. I wanna be able to have the freedom to see that kinda stuff. I think they didnt go overboard, even if he killed the little girl. I think they're just showing the consumer what really can happen in this world. Earth isn't a joyous, harmonious place to live. It's chaotic and hectic and filled with evil people doing 'wrong' to help themselves. How you see it is your opinion. I think it's fresh that they're finally willing to put realistic events in games. If it makes you sick, they did what they wanted to do. We dont see movies like Hostel or Saw getting pulled. Why? Cuz if people dont wanna see that kinda **** they won't go see it. The same should start being applied to games. I wanna get games outta this whole "it's for kids; it's a toy" crap and into the adult's are welcome too media.
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