Holy crap, that might be the best advice ive seen, nice work Japan, i wish our media would have helped with something like this, helping people instead of trying to make things worst. Media can be disgusting at times, they lack ethics.
Hells yes it is. They will most likely announce it after Warcraft comes to Netflix. But dat Ghostbusters tho! Im still suprised yall havnt wrote 50 articles bashing it like yall do so much other stuff. Higher-ups must have cracked that whip. Must be nice to beat to the drum of propaganda.
@everson_rm: Sony begged Microsoft for this last year, Sony said would be great for gamers, cause they are for the gamers. This is good for Sony fans, it fills the servers. I wish they would do like Nintendo though and let the whole world play together. Nothing better then playing games with the French, Japanese, Germans, and Swedish.
Sony has stated they would love to, so we should get a yes any day now. Then everyone can finally use their Vitas to lag their way to victory. Xbox wont never see it coming. They be like, "How that guy do that, where can i get the teleport power?" Microsoft picked the perfect game to challenge Sony with.
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