@datriax: Budget was $160 million, double that was $320 million. Looks like they just barely made it. Its also the top grossing video game movie ever. It did very good for cater to such a small fan base. They did good, the fan base has grown and this movie will be a Redbox sleeper.
People be like, where the fack did you get this Lord of Rings medevil genius from. Hit straight gold up in this beach.
Boy is Kojima in for a surprise. I dont drive the kids all the way to the movies just to leave 30 mins later. And 15 min videos are nothing, we got 10 min Youtube videos kids love to watch every day. Heck, i watch Nintendo Minute all the time and its only a few minutes.
But i do remember when i was younger, i would watch k-drama shows and they were short.
@anthonybecky: Nintendo owns the Pokemon IP. Pokemon is owned by 3 companies. Game Freak (which Nintendo owns 40%), Creatures (which Nintendo owns 40%), and Nintendo, which gives Nintendo majority ownership over Pokemon. Nintendo also owns part of Niantic.
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