PS Plus is easily better than Xbox Live. Anybody who defends paying to play online using p2p servers in which everybody provides that for free (PSN & STEAM) are completely lying to themselves.
@XspidervenomX @endorbr Quit making stuff up. I have both systems and playing online is exactly the same. Are you that dumb? It's p2p servers. I bet you think all xbox live games run on dedicated servers lol you are a joke. Only difference is cross game chat. But it's going to be on the PS4 for free just like its free already on the Vita.
Want to access facebook on xbox you need about netflix ...ummm you need gold. Keep sucking on MS d***
@XspidervenomX Scam....really? A scam is getting people to pay just to play there games online using p2p servers when everybody else is providing it for free. That's a joke. Xbox Live is the scam
ianpm's comments