Games, at their heart is an art form. It's a money making art form, but then again, what isn't? On the forums I saw a person that compared Bioshock to piece of piano music. I thought that was amazing and a insightful. Many games can be made, but aren't really technically good in an artistic sense. If I may I would like to make a comparison.
Halo, while it is popular is like a Micheal Bay film. It's shallow and not very artistic. I know the game has good graphics, but Transformers had good CGI, but that doesn't make it artistic.
Bioshock played out like something that George Orwell or Orsen Welles would envision. It was a beautifully crafted and scripted game. It was well thought out. It had a darkness that you don't find often in games because this industry isn't always taken seriously. If you point out games like Doom or Manhunt-- these are not dark. They are graphic and adult oriented in a visual sense, but they are not dark. Bioshock has a very mature storyline. It did not have violence for the sake of violence. It had violence that actually meant something. I have felt anything at dramatic as beating Andrew Ryan to death with a golf club while he did not ever once try to defend himself. That is a darkness that is beautifully graphic and powerful.
There are only a handful of games that I would consider art. What is true art in games is not limited to this list, but I would be hardpressed to list them all.
Shadow of the Colossus
Half Life 2 --- Half Life (the first one) was good, but nowhere near as groundbreaking as HL2
Zelda series --- the majority or beautifully crafted games with only minor setbacks in certain games
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Final Fantasy 7 --- other final fantasy games, such as X, that are very good as well. FF12 was amazingly mature and beautiful.
Games don't always need a deep story or a story at all to be artistic. Rez was a prime example of this. I'm very glad to hear that it will be coming to XBL.
I don't remember what it was called but Sony showcased a game for PSP I believe a while back that was amazingly artistic. It was a stick figure that walked around a maze that changed depending on the orientation that you looked at it. It was beautiful.
I just have a desire to see more artistic games in the industry. They don't always do so well, which is sad. Like Okami, was amazingly artistic and beautiful. It didn't sell too well though. I am very interested in Eternal Sonata because it seems to have a very unique story that you usually don't see in a jrpg. I haven't played it so I cannot vouche for its artistic value, but it certainly looks beautiful.
Art in games isn't always flashy graphics. Art is a combination of things. Making game immersive, original, and fun all at the same time is difficult and should be praised. Like I read in the forum, a genre doesn't need to be redefined to creat an original game. That game has to simply use what it has in an extraordinary way.
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