I've got the Hori EX2 and I love it except for the fact that it is too light / moved around too easily. I need to add rubber stopper to the bottom or something to make it stay in place better.
the most interesting thing to happen to be was almost getting in a bar fight because i laughed at a bar skank humping up on some dude. her friend, who i'll aptly name..'bro' didn't find that too entertaining. but yeah, game stories are great haha
@salflame I agree with the idea of aging. it makes sense that soon after demolition and scorched earth policies that everything would be grey and dead(the look of the first gears). The second gears is later when stuff may have started to re-grow. That being said, I just feel like I liked the darker grittier feel of the first one better. Then again that dark gritty feeling was one thing that was used against the first one as people complained about the color palette. It is really a toss up, but i still say that more dynamic environmental/weather effects would help out a lot. Playing a map in snow, rain, night/day would add to the variations even if it didn't have the biggest actual impact on gameplay.
I think a lot of the maps actually look better in gears of war 1. Gears of war 2 maps seem bland/washed out. What would be amazing would be changing environmental effects or the ability to toggle between the different versions of the maps. I definitely am in favor of the gears 1 maps as far as aesthetics. I don't i've played gears 2 enough to judge it otherwise-- because of RROD.
Just talking about GTA4, but I actually like the look better on 360 compared to PC. PC may be technically better, but the graphics on the 360 make it look kind of like painting. Maybe that is just me.
I would say that it is a toss up. Some game look better on xbox 360 (example: fallout 3) and some look better on ps3 (example: dead space). I think a lot of it has to do with how much effot the feveloper puts into it and does with the different stregths of each system. If I had the money I would have both systems, but I only have a 360.
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