@DarkSaber2k Liking a game for it's graphical fidelity alone is something that many people have a problem with. I am not one of those people and I highly enjoy a great looking game. Frostbite is more than "pretty" though. The animations are incredible as is the adaptable destruction capabilities. The sound capabilities are tremendous as each Bad Company and BF3 have shown. Frostbite is more than an engine with "nice graphics" it's truly one of the best engines of this generation. Every game I've played powered by the Frostbite engine has been anywhere from excellent to outstanding. So yes until I noticed it was running on Frostbite I didn't think much of it.
@zerooo0 I agree completely. Battlefield 3 is one of the top 5 best looking games on the Xbox 360. The only problems I ever encounter on it are the occasional sound glitching which may just be the online servers' doing. I honestly don't know enough about it to diagnose the issue. To say it does not run well though is a complete fallacy.
Hello, here is my opinion on the aforementioned matter. Seeing as I already received the "Back to Karkand" expansion pack with my pre-order, I don't see how Premium is at all a plausible option. I would effectively be spending $50 for content that would normally cost me $50 considering I already have "Back to Karkand". Now this would not be an issue if it weren't for the sketchy quality of the DLC packs. Close Quarters is not what I got Battlefield for and does not look to be worth the $15. Armored Kill on the other hand looks fantastic and is very much what Battlefield is all about. Aftermath looks decent with it's earthquake ravaged maps but it's hard to say, and End Game could be fantastic or rubbish. No one even knows what End Game's theme is. So to buy Prenium even after pre-ordering would result in some useless apparel and cosmetic options and 2 week early access to the DLC packs. I can wait those 2 weeks and in the process possibly avoid rubbish DLC packs by evaluating them before buying. I will not be getting Close Quarters as of yet so already this seems to be a sensible decision. Nothing wrong with buying it though if you like what it offers.
Usually repeatedly seeing the same advertisement is incredibly bothersome but I really like this mousetrap and Klondike bar one. Slo-mo destruction might not ever get old :)
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