I only have a 400W PSU.
My choices seem to be 7600GT or 7900GS
This is a move up from a 6200TC, AMD3200+ w/ 1.5GB RAM.
I've seen a few benchmarks that put the 7900GS quite a bit ahead.
Any thoughts?
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I only have a 400W PSU.
My choices seem to be 7600GT or 7900GS
This is a move up from a 6200TC, AMD3200+ w/ 1.5GB RAM.
I've seen a few benchmarks that put the 7900GS quite a bit ahead.
Any thoughts?
Half-Life 2.
The most over-hyped, over-rated snoozefest I've ever played.
Ooh look everybody, we can do physics that can make a see-saw.
And we can make you drive a half-baked hovercraft for an hour while doing nothing other than admire the scenery.
Then we can spout pseudo-religious psycho-babble at you, in between seemingly endless swarms of spider things.
Worst xbox game ever - WORST GAME EVER!
Final Fantasy X-2 - because Yuna would never go from high summoner to whore.
Final Fantasy XII - because I witnessed the corporate execution of a once perfect series.
Auto Modellista - because cel-shaded motorsports just doesn't work.
Shadow of the Collossus - because camera's must be better coded than this.
All fighting games - because I'm just rubbish at them.
And there are so many more.
It's a funny old world ain't it?
Garbage like Driv3r, Black Monday, TrueCrime gets to No.1 and stay there for weeks, while masterpieces like Ico and Okami are ignored.
It really tells you about what most people want.
Actually, it's a sad old world.
Is this game woth getting because i need i new game to plat but im short on cash so i have to make it countPSPplayer988
If you played Ico and loved it my advice is to steer clear of this one.
If you did not play Ico my advice is to steer clear of this one.
But this thread will probably be hijacked by SOC fanboyz and I'll get flamed.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Sorry, I should have said fighting game (I've always called them beat em ups, but I see the difference).
GG, DOA are pretty old aren't they? I'll have to check out the preowned games in my local stores.
I can vaguely remember playing Tekken (3 perhaps) on my PS1 over a decade ago. I remember I was not very good at it.
Since then nothing.
Now I can't afford a next-gen, so I'm looking to expand my gaming tastes.
So could someone recommend a beginner-friendly beat em up,please?
I don't really care whether it's old-skool 2D or new shiny 3D. Also, I don't mind having to learn!
All suggestions appreciated.
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