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ice-vanilla Blog

Is the PS3 region free when it comes to games? Help me Gamespotters!

I just got some realli bad news today. I was talkin to a friend of mine about GTA 4. I told him how cool it was and all....then he dropped a bomb! He said GTA 4 was abnned here in singapore!! I was like WTF?? This is a lame joke right....but he was bein serious. The govt. of Singapore has banned GTA....not GTA 4 exactly though!! No official news on that but if all the other GTA's were then I pretty much expect the same here too! That made me the PS3 region free when it comes to games. It's something I've never really thought about or asked anyone. Not even when I bought one! So can any of you gamespotters out there help me out with this? I can't get it on my 360 as it is the NTSC/J version. My PS3 is also the Singapore one. SOme of my friends tell me it's not region locked the others say it is....but I'm not really sure! I would really appreciate it if you could let me know! Adios till then hombres!

I've been pulled into the darkness!!!!

I friggin' love this game. It's got me hooked on it. An amazing....with loads to explore and do....and those awesome little coochie woochie darklings(aren't they cute)...LOLLOLOLOLOLOL...joking!!! The game is amazing and I'll be writing a review of it soon enough!!! I know I've been absent awhile....but if you'd noticed....I became absent after I got Darkness,Dirt and Transformers...I'll be writing reviews for all 3 of them soon enough!!! I'm not done with Darkness I'm off to play Darkness!!! LOL!!! adios gamespotters!!!

P.S Check my videos section for some funny videos!!!

Gundam model frenzy!! The dumbest parent on earth.No I'm not talking about mine!

I've gone completely crazy on gundam models all of a sudden......I already have a few....around 5....but they weren't made properly...I decided that I'd restart me collection...this time I'm gonna make 'em nice and proper!! They're gonna be lined nice and neatly on me shelf....for all to see!!! LOL...I'm a show off!!

I saw one of the most stupidest letters to the editor yesterday!!! In fact it made me laugh so sides are stillaching!! It was a lady complaining about shrek 3.....can u actually believe that people are complaining about Shrek 3 now!!!! She said the movie showed the characters behaving mischeviously....and(here comes the stupid part) the characters spoke "over the top american english"!!! Idiocy(is that a word....i think it is!!) has got a new meaning!!!! Now in today's paper the editor has made an article out of it...calling the lady the most over-protective parent on the planet......he even went said she was nothing butan idioit(I'm sure he wanted to say smth else....y'know more along the line of...u r a crazy b***!!). I mean seriuosly what is happening to the world!! She said she wanted to let other parents know that this movie isn't suitable for children!!! I mean ike what the f*** does she expect!!! Ooops....I went a little overboard with my vocabu;ary but I just couldn't help it. THis lady is not protecting her kids in any way...those kids are going to be the epitome of n00bness....they're gonna be the ultimate n00bs...poor kids I really pity them. Most parents in Singapore are over protective....but not this bad though! Before we know we're gonna have someone complaining about Mickey Mouse! LOL!!!

Why blame violence on Video Games....and gamers???

Just recently I saw a church in manchester are suing Sony for using it's church in the game for a "bloody and gory gunfight"!!! How many movies have there been with gunfights in many movies are there that are twice if not thrice as gory and violent as video games are?? Probably a few hundred at least if you look at it worldwide!! I'm not just talking about hollywood movies...I'm talking about European,Mandarin,Indian.......and hundreds ofothers. I'm a free thinker....I've read the bible,quran and the bhagvad gita(the hindu holy book). I may be a hindu by birth...however I respect all religions equally. So I'm not accussing this church of trying to milk money out of Sony because of my religion.One cannot help but think that this is for publicity or money(No offence to christians) after all religion isn't what it used to be in the past.It's all money these days and it makes me sick to see what some people would do to get some!

Didn't this movie have a gunfight in the church? Why didn't the church sue them then?

Isn't it the parents responsibility to monitor what his or her child plays...why blame it on the makers. They've got nothing to do with it. All games are if a 12 year old happens to be able to get his hands on GTA San Andreas does that mean Rockstar is to be sued??? And does that mean that child,after playing the game, is going to run out of his house steal someones car and have fun running over innocent people? No.......the kids who do so have other reasons...they're either depressed...have no friends....or an abusive parent or parents!! Games are just entertainment they're not's not like we're killing real people...we're doing something we can otherwise never do in real life and get away with it!! Gaming is doing nothing but providing millions of people out there with entertainment...a different form of it. It has become photrealistic these days and yes killing creatures and people look more real. But not as real as they are in movies.

Now don't tell me this isn't violent!! Weren't these three movies extremely violent? Yet nobody went against them....nobody wanted to ban them? Why?

People theses days are just trying to get games banned....but why? Violence seems to be the reason most of them provide.What about movies.......there are loads ofviolent ones...and you could probably buy them anywhere despite their ratings. Heck even music these days have an element of anti-sociality in them. Rap.....for instance....loads of cursing,anti-sociality and drugs. Why isn't anybody against that? I'm pretty sure that most kids would've listened to EMINEM or 50 Cent at least! Despite being a fan I must say there are some pretty violent songs out there. Why aren't they getting banned? Why aren't violent movies banned? Why is everyone trying to get a videogame of the shelves? WHY? It was the same with Rock in the past.....everyone who listened to rock was immediately cast in a negative light not by teens of course but a bunch of lousy politicians trying to getsome sort of publicity. Nowadays if you are a gamer you're considered a loser with no social life whatsoever and extremely prone to violence!That I did not make up my was asked to me quite openly during a family gathering at my home. It was a distant relative...a pompous one too...this was his general impression on gamers.It's useless trying to oppose them...they always have their way. As usual there's always some moron like Jack Thompson out there who consider us gamers terrorists!!!

It's a sad fact but people won't change their views on gaming's ill-effects. They refuse to believe anything else....they just don't want to.I won't say no to the fact that games are addictive....some are. Nor will I say they are not violent...they are. But they do not make you a killer or a psychopath. That is complete garbage. Right now after the church wanted Resistance banned...there are a group of mothers headed by a woman whose son was shot dead by a gang. My heart goes out to her and I feel extremely sorry for what she has to go through. However she blames video games just video games. I think she's wrong aren't to be blamed alone...what about all the violent movies out there?? Don't they depict villains having a sort of cool aura about them. I certainy remeber wanting to be someone like Nicholas Cage in Face Off after I saw the movie. I loved the movie...I still do now. But the Nicholas Cage thing is gone...replaced now by a doctor instead. Being a gangster makes people feel ridiculous as it sounds....that's exactly what kids think too. Nowadays despite movies being rated one can always download it off the net. I'm against piracy but that doesn't mean others are too.Forget downloading it (which is legally and illegaly possible) violent movies can be bought by ones elder brother or father and one can always watch it at home. It's not like the cops are gonna come in and bust you're at home...who's going to know? Same goes for music. Gaming and gamers aren't to be blamed's today's society and what it has become that is what is to be blamed.

Me luv me 360 (and me PS3 of course)!!!

Aaaahh...the Xbox 360 wasn't all that dad....wasn't too happy..he said I was being irresponsible...I agree too...but hey Halo 3 made me do it...blame Microsoft!!!! :P ....I did not buy meself any new 360 games...thought I'd try not to spend too much.....I got and with a buy 1 get 1 free offer. Great games they are...and I'm playin me foist online game today...Pirate King Online. I didn't get World of Warcraft 'cause it ain't free while this is!!!(I'm stingy I know!!! Plus I'd like to thank my friend The_Gunslinger_ for maklin me an awesome blog banner....I luv it!!! That's all for now...gotta run...adios gamespotters!!!

Xbox 360...should me get one???

I decided not to get a DS for now...that is I put my DS plans on hold and instead I'm thinking Xbox 360!!! LOL!! call me crazy if u want but all of a sudden I feel like playing halo!!! Maybe it's because I'm reading the novel,which is great by the way,but I want to 'Halo' soooo bad!! Especially since  is coming out soon!!! The book has me going Halo crazy!!!! So should I, fellow Gamespotters, get an Xbox 360 just for Halo you think it'd be worth the investment??? It may restrict a few other purchases...but not job covers it...with ease...and especially since there's a sale going on's cheap..the pro version that is!!! So leave a comment and let me know...I'm not sure about what I want...DS,PSP or the XBOX 360??

The BMX is mine...and I'm finally free!!!!

Oh yeah people.....I got my BMX...which explains my inactivity over the last few days!!! Its a HARO favorite color!!! The bike is awesome Here's a pic...which I got off their site....

Nice eh? If your looking for a BMX....try getting this's an awesome bike. I also got myself a couple of games...they are

  Both of these games are for my bro...since he's been begging me for a PS3 game for quite a while...I thought I'd be nice to him. I got myself a PS2 again...but this time for FREE...yea...'cause my cousin was getting a Wii he said he didn't want his PS2 anymore...when I asked him if I could keep it he agreed...LOL!!! That led me to buy a couple of games from ebay used ones that is!! They are

  I've wanted Guitar Hero for a while...andI was lucky to find it on ebay for $8!! Altogether I must've spent $15 on ebay!! Freedom Fighters was given a 9.3 here on gamespot which is why I got it....aaaah ebay a great place to get games!! Just recently afer reading Big C43's blog I've been thinking of getting a Nintend DS....the PSP here is my bro's and he barely lets me touch the DS has some gr8 games....d'you think I should get that or another PSP??? Lemme know....leave a comment....till then adios Gamespotters!!!

Finally 50 game for moi!!!!

I finally got 50 games in my collection! I know it's not much to many of you but at least among my friends it's a failry large loot!! I got FEAR from my dad when we went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3( which was aweome) and I got the F1 game from my unclce. I also got blazing angels for substitute for Acecombat on my PS3. Acecombat is one of my favorite jet sims on a console...not that I have any on my PC LOL!!!

I couldn't expect my dad to let me play all day at home...he said I was putting on weight..which is true...i noticed too. He said I needed some physical exercise! Well I decided to get myself a BMX bike....I hate jogging or any other form of exercise!!! Biking I love!!! My friend and I are gonna take a look the prices...I may buy one today...or this week!! But I need it soon...must work out!! I hate becoming fat!! Makes me feel slow!! I also thought of getting a few more PS2 games...'cause the PS2 isn't exactly dead yet!! Anyways gotta run now...adios gamespotters!! 

Busy day today!!!

Today is a really busy loads of stuff to do!!! Gaming wise that is lol....gonnna finish resistance today...go out with my dad for Pirates of the Caribbean 3...I can't wait 4 that!!! Then I may buy F.E.A.R on the way back...not sure..I'll do it only if I have time!!!  I got my aiming probs fairly solved...I'm even thinking about a Wii for next year. I have loads of spare cash from my two jobs and ps2 sale!!! Anyways gotta keep it short today...gotta do some work for my Dad so peace gamespotters!!
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