Oh yeah people.....I got my BMX...which explains my inactivity over the last few days!!! Its a HARO F3.....in black....my favorite color!!! The bike is awesome Here's a pic...which I got off their site....
Nice eh? If your looking for a BMX....try getting this one....it's an awesome bike. I also got myself a couple of games...they are
Both of these games are for my bro...since he's been begging me for a PS3 game for quite a while...I thought I'd be nice to him. I got myself a PS2 again...but this time for FREE...yea...'cause my cousin was getting a Wii he said he didn't want his PS2 anymore...when I asked him if I could keep it he agreed...LOL!!! That led me to buy a couple of games from ebay used ones that is!! They are
I've wanted Guitar Hero for a while...andI was lucky to find it on ebay for $8!! Altogether I must've spent $15 on ebay!! Freedom Fighters was given a 9.3 here on gamespot which is why I got it....aaaah ebay a great place to get games!! Just recently afer reading Big C43's blog I've been thinking of getting a Nintend DS....the PSP here is my bro's and he barely lets me touch it....plus the DS has some gr8 games....d'you think I should get that or another PSP??? Lemme know....leave a comment....till then adios Gamespotters!!!