I recently earned a 50 dollar gift card from my boss for reaching some goals. I got Halo 3 and COD 4. Slowly working my way through COD as I utilize too much time on multiplayer. Chillfctor is my live tag if you want to play me. Anywho... I was thinking of saving it for DMC 4 in February. I don't have GoW, so maybe I could go back and get that. I like RPG's, but I'm not in the mood to take one up right now. So what do you guys suggest?
Honestly, I like the game. I'm playing the beta and the quests might be small here or there, but ultimately I have enjoyed the game. Just walking around completing stuff and moving along is good. I guess the beta is different than the demo...if that is what you played then save your arguments for then, I know I am.
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