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icebergstorm Blog

Re: LOTR: Conquest Video Review

3rd person is NOT suck!! Just because you like 1st Person, doesn't mean other people only have to like one genre!! There are OTHER genres available to play you narrow-minded lil kiddo!! Go back to your room and play Halo 3 or other FPSs or sumthin!! Gears of War & Resident Evil 4 are NOT 1st person games, but they are regarded as some of the BEST GAMES ever created!! This LOTR game reminds me of the LOTR2 and 3 PS2 games, seem fun if you can play co op with someone online (I'd give it a 7 or 7.5 ... at least) ... and the reviewer needs not make it sound so good if he was going to give it a "6.5" ... more consistency, Chris!! You didn't even talk about "bad points" that made it a "6.5" ?? This is really a bad review, IMHO...

Olympic's President: No Glory in Games, Part 2


So what is this huge achievement you get for choosing the Olympics over gaming? Not much, really. You get your fifteen seconds of fame and then the whole world forgets what you did after the Olympics are over. I rather have fun and be accomplishing nothing than do something I have no interest in and get a medal with no true value and mere second of fame and glory. Which is why I'm gaming and not in the Olympics.


Yes, you are right in saying that "You can't achieve anything (the majority) playing video games." But doesn't that also apply to the film and music industry? What do you achieve by watching a movie or listening to a specific song? Different people will give you different answers but in the modern day, this is all called a form of media entertainment. A way for people to spend time doing something they like or enjoy. Just look how society is today. Not all the people have time to enjoy sports they like. They need certain facilities and other people to particiapate with, on the right time and on the right day. Whilst with video games, one can just go back home and start playing without any fuss.

You TWO are absolutely SPOT ON!!
I AGREE 100%!!
People got their own preferences!! They do whatever they like to do! It;s their lives! NOT Olympic's president's life! It's a FREE World! They're ALL FREE to do whatever they like!! He's 66 Year Old!! obviously he's VERY old-fashioned, of course he's entitled to his own opinion! but just because Olympic's audience have been getting older and older doesn't mean that you can scapegoat "video games"

the right word is "TOUGH"!! to quote another poster.

Olympics President: No Glory in Games, Part 1

1)CharlieFubar "you cant achieve anything playing games" i think he must be a ps3 user... never heard of ACHIEVEMENTS....

2)benmc19 Who says I'm never gonna achieve anything. I have 7800 gamer score.

3)majidok He doesn't know about the achievement points LoL

4)Pepsi-KFC That guys just saying that because the olympics have a new match, mario and sonic at the olympic games... jeleous!

5)liesandpies Obviously he hasn't heard of MS achievements.


NNIIIICCEEEEEE!! I only have a humble 11.310 Points LOL :-) but yeah they are absolutely achievements on its own merits! :D:P

Anti-Game should die and spend their time in hell for eternity! :D

Microsoft warns against Xbox Live Sharing, Part II

... and I think Larry speaks about sharing "account" with "friends" to unlock gamerpoints, more than to your family member (I mean if your brother/sister can do it, why ask your friends, right?), beside are they gonna start tagging electronic device to every single online gamer (including member of your family playing online?) ... I don't think so :P

Microsoft warns against Xbox Live Sharing, Part I

comment @ mcuth:
LMAO to you, dude!
that's so true!! or you forgot, renting games? or swapping games?
so when people see what games you've played you got a gazillion list of games? renting/swapping games is not exactly new, it's just a public secret to gain more gamerpoints, cheaper than buying new games, ain't it people ?
I think I speak for everyone, everywhere, of all time when I say "Who gives a flying piece of crap about gamerscores." Oh, apparently I don't speak for everyone, since so many people seemed entranced by them. Why is this? A high gamerscore doesn't indicate any amount of skill. It's merely an indicator of how much money you've spent at Blockbuster.

Most Anticipated Games from E3'07 ?

Hi everyone,

Another year, another E3 :)

I always get excited about new upcoming games and/or consoles.

My most anticpated games would be (among others) in alphabetical orders:

Devil May Cry 4 (360)

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)

Virtua Fighter 5 (360 ~~ ONLINE! yeah baby!! :P)

What about yours ? :)

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