Well in my Ressistance 2 and Killzone 2 game I started off at the hardest level possible for the beginning. My cousin thought it was crazy and called me so mental that i had to be institutionalized. I got the idea from my uncle. He said if you really want to be a really great person in a game play it on the hardest level. After you beat the game you'll be able to do it on any level. Good point right.
ichikuro98 Blog
Friends and their internet
by ichikuro98 on Comments
Yesterday i barely got killzone 2. Right after i took my ps3 over to my bud's house and we we were going to play psn. That's when it got weird. I looked at his linksys for the ssid code we couldn't find it. So we looked at his backup linksys at it didn't have the ssid code on it either! Right away two things popped up in my head either he's not too careful or thecompanies screwed up. So in the end we ended up playing campaign which was fun but not as fun as playing online.
Note: ssid code could also be the webkey
by ichikuro98 on Comments
I just posted on the playstation three section how i wonder if Blazblue is a good game. I really need a new multiplayer game. I have street fighter and all i need to do is get Seth. I also commented that if i should get Call of Duty 4 Modern Warefare or Killzone 2. Well i hope time flies by me quickly like it always does. I have already preordered Batman Arkham Asylum CE for my ps3. It comes out August 25, 2009. Hmm. Please MOVE FASTER TIME! I WANT MY BATERANG ALREADY! SO I CAN THROW IT AT PEOPLE, DONKEYS, PIGS ESPECIALLY FOR BRINGING THE SWINE FLU INTO MY LIFE, ALIENS, ETC.! SH*T! That's right i still need to wait for God of War III to come out. Its coming out in March 2010! F@#K! Note: I do not have the swine flu.
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