played several mmorpgs can'tsay that wow is really that implresive of a game. . . oh god did i just do that, dis on the super fan club is blizard, oh well, anyway i digress i enjoyed mithics Dark age much more then i enjoyed wow at any point, and war develpers have never claimed to want to create a wow killer there goal is not to compeat with wow it is to create a game with a priority based in a pvp world not the world of endless npc farming, busides if you want a real mmo to play while your waiting for war play eve online :) free market one server and real pvp for the win
i have playedall the games in the series so far and deff feel like these games represent the best rpgsever so it concerns me to hear how little faith there is in the next one, i play fallout one and two regularly enough to consider them the same game at this point and while tactics was a very different game i see its value as a new direction of the game but its deffinatly not a sequil. it really remains to be seen if bethesda can pull this one out and create a game that brings pride and distinction to this now almost forgeten masterpice, but only time will tell and none of us will truly ever know till fall of this year anyway.
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