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I quit playing Ninja Gaiden 2


Ok, this is my first ever blog post on GameSpot.
I'm at level 14 and this is my first blog post. So why start now, you might think?
Well, I just discoverd the blog post button :P (no really, i'm not kidding)

So what am I playing? Ninja Gaiden 2.

I loved the first Ninja Gaiden game. It was **** brilliant.
And it was incredibly difficult to beat. Name me one other game
that features a first level boss, that you only managed to beat after
20 turns, BUT still remained fun and engaging.

Ninja Gaiden is one of those games that you want to keep playing
even though the AI keeps smacking you down round after round.

So why did I quit playing Ninja Gaiden 2? I just don't like the final boss fight.
The final boss fight is actually two boss fights in a row. And if you don't get
through the first boss fight with a few health items in your backpack you're
simply screwed. So this became a frustrating experience. Also the end boss
isn't much of an interesting boss to fight. Unlike the last two boss characters
in the first Ninja Gaiden.

So here's what I like about Ninja Gaiden:

The Good

1. Gorgeous visuals.
I like the visual ****of Ninja Gaiden. It's clear and crisp,
and has big visually interesting looking enemies.

2. Great music and sound effects
The first level for example features a very Matrix like track,
that propels the action forward in a nice pace.

3. No quick time events to start kick ass action.
Unlike other games that feature quick time events that
unleash incredible combo's, Ninja Gaiden actually makes
you feel like a bad ass ninja; you are the one doing the
great looking combo's.

This game makes jaws drop when people actually see you play it.

4. Quick restarts at boss fights.
Seems like a no brainer. But the first Ninja Gaiden didn't have this.
And that annoyed the hell out of me. So if you die in a boss fight,
you return to the boss fight immediately when you press continue.
This wan't the case in the first game.

5. Boss fights seem easier.
The boss characters still pack a punch,
but seem to be more easier. Or it's simply because I played
the first Ninja Gaiden, and now what to expect.

The Bad

1. The visual are great looking. But are also a little plastic fantastic.
You do feel like you're playing with plastic action figures.
It looked incredible on the X-Box 1, but fails to
make a deep impact on the X-Box 360

2. Deja Vu
If you played the first Ninja Gaiden, you get the feeling that you played the game before.
That's not strange, because a few level are recycled from the first game.
Also the locations that are featured in the game also resemble settings from
the first game.

3. No combo tutorial
Newbies miss a lot, because they don't get some guidance with performing
combo's. And certain combo's are more effective than others when fighting
certain bosses. So the steep learning curve is a killer in this game.

4. I killed a boss in 30 seconds
Me and others like me, have managed to kill certain boss characters in
30 seconds!!! No really. It seems that certain bosses aren't balanced well
when you get your weapons equiped to a certain level. They just die
very easily. Friends of mine also noted this.

So what's the final verdict.
Everyone should play this game.
And while I hate the last boss and quit playing, I will more than likely
pick it up again in a few weeks.

LOL so the word S-T-Y-L-E is actually no allowed in a blog post . Has to do with
HTML styling. :D