the more i see about this game the less impressive the graphics are looking. sure its open world but most of it seems like barren wasteland. this whole balloon recruiting thing kind of ruins immersion for me. now im gonna be worried about getting as many things back to mother base with the damn balloon instead of stealth killing my way through a base.
i like to play assassin style like stealth killing each enemy 1 by 1 but now im not going to do that because you need to keep them alive to recruit and upgrade stuff. i mean i know its optional or whatever but i regularly play rpgs and i like to get as full of an experience from the game as possible, and i feel like i might miss out on something if i don't upgrade to the max.
this is the problem with putting lots of these rpg elements in a non-rpg game, it kinda screws with other parts of the game. this reminds me of AC:revelations when you have to upgrade your assassins guild and constantly defend against attacks, it was the worst part of the game for me. I'm hoping this doesn't end up the same way.
u cant be serious. i mean cmon what did u expect, its a japanese game first of all. second, does any1 honestly think they would put an ugly female in a game? jeez man people are so over-sensitive these days its pathetic. this guy is complaining about having a hot supermodel chick in game like wtf.
looks great, been looking forward to a new dragon age. i just hope they make the combat system a bit more fun and engaging, i pretty much played the dragon age games just for the story. also, was that morrigan at the end? maybe the main character is morrigan and grey warden's son that they hinted at from the first dragon age? just a thought, since they pretty much said u can be evil or good at the end, and morrigan was kinda an evil/good character. either way im excited for this. say what u want about bioware, but they do make quality games.
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