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ieatplants Blog

I am Iron Man

"Final thought on Stark"

The Movie: 9 / 10

The Game: PS3 7.8 / 10

Final thoughts: I have waited years and years for there to be an iron man game worth playing and to be honest it wasn't as horrible as i first predicted, although like most movie themed games Iron man was actually pretty fun. The graphics are more than exemplary and the game play is pretty sturdy. My only complaint was the flying controls but other than that I would defiantly recommend this game to any Marvel fanboy. Now the movie on other hand, masterful! one of the best movies ever made by Marvel. Downy did an awesome job, and I cant wait to see his cameo in The incredible Hulk and of course Iron Man 2. If you haven't seen Iron Man go see it and if you have already seen it and didn't like it , well go hang yourself and hope God will forgive you.


There are a few animated films that stick out from the rest each year. So far the lead runners are Kung Fu Panda with Jack Black & Wall*E by Pixar animation.

tom is back

Smallville is finally back on the air! woooo! alright I'm done. As many people are well aware Clark Kent is back once more to kick some ass In this ongoing 7 year show based on the yung years of how Superman came to be. With only 4 episodes left and one being directed by Tom Welling himself. We're all asking the same question: "will he ever get the uniform!" ~ Ieatplants (8:11 am 4/21/08)

Update: Just announced there will be one more full season of Smallville. Not a lot of Information is known right now. There are circulating rumors that doomsday will make an appearance and Michael Rosenbaum will not be returning.


The Incredible Hulk (June 3, 2008) : Yes there will be another Hulk Video game. On the good side its game play is similar to the ever so popular HULK: Ultimate destruction game. Unlike HUD this game will be movie plot based. Yes that means theres another hulk movie, and as much as I'm still trying to wash the bad taste of the last film out of my mouth I cant help but be drawn in by the new one, and I hope its really worth my seven bucks this time!
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