I am so sick of people re-making the classic games. Why break something that isn't broken, or in Zelda's case why mess with something that's perfect in every way. I played and beat Zelda at least 70 times in one summer when i broke my leg. And take it from me i would play it another 70 times before i even considered playing a remake. There's nothing wrong with the way it is, if you want to play it on your wii buy it online and shut it. I'm sure Shigeru Miyamoto got my back on this one.
TC is probbly my favorite DS game. Its right up next to Animal Crossing WW, I will defently be going to my game stop for it. I havent gotten a chance to play it on the Wii so I cant say Im a fan of the entire series yet.
The 2 worst games ever made are a tie Superman 64 and Extreme Sports with the Berenstain Bears. I wish i was making this crap up but its a real game swear.
I am the proud owner of PSP and i will tell you right now, If FF:CC goes to the PS2 I will break down and cry. Every single game ever developed just for the PSP but then is made to format the PS2 has SUCKED! GTA, Silent hill, even Ratchet and Clank. I dont think I can handle the heart break much more. Its like playing GBA on a LCD flat screen. :cry:
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