This review was done too early in the game by the reviewer. I have 350-400 hrs on all my MH tri characters and there is so much new and improved in this game its ridiculous. Totally worth a full 60 bucks. I bought a Wii U just for this game and it was worth it. There are totally new areas, weapons, quests, gameplay mechanics, monsters, ect. The new monsters aren't just reskins either, they have whole new move sets and animations. I have the 100 deviljho title on tri and the pink rathian kicked my ass the first attempt on here. BUY THIS GAME!
anyone who played this game without being on the hardest difficulty doing a no kill and or no alert run really deprived themselves of a great game. nothing like stalking two guys talking until one turns away for a second, you jump out and choke and grab one guy and port away, just for the guy he was talking to to turn around and say "huh?" having no idea where his friend went :3
it is not even close to free. u will end up paying significantly more than the typical "pay 40 bucks for an mmo game with a 15 dollar monthly fee" just to get the most out of the game. and there is no end game so once you are max level you are done. unless you enjoy the lotr lore you will not last long before you are bored of the MASS amount of kill and collect quests.
ih8soup1's comments