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ihatespam04 Blog

M$ is full of it

Man, you would think that a company that can ship their crap OS could figure out how to not screw up a MAJOR launch of a console. There are so many conspiracy theories of why they can't get enough out to the retail channel. I'm leaning toward the defective unit theory. This thing has a lot of bugs and I bet that M$ has new revisions that are being made right now. They are probably getting rid of any old inventory to see how bad the defect rate is on the first batch and to see what other fixes they might have to do before the next revision. If I had one now it would go right to Ebay and I would wait until about Feb or March to get one. Hopefully, by then some awesome games would be available instead of this lukewarm stuff.

God, I hate whiners

The 360 came out last Tues and everybody and their grandma is out there scalping them. The boards are full of whiny babies complaining about how they don't have them and can't find them. Jeez this thing isn't worth the hype. Nobody can wait 2 months?