I think it's a lot of fun I especialy like the headset feature that if you stick your headset in the director speaks to you through that instead of through the tv I hope to see that on other games, and the game is pritty fun although it is not a buy for me.
I like it when the controls are on novice, but as soon as I turn them up to normal the game just gets much too difficult for me I keep trying to get the hang of the normal controls but heck I seam to be getting no better at them I'll get it with the flight stick if the online doesn't force you to have normal controls also I want to see what the reviews and stuff are like I like the demo but them game itself might not be so great but I dont know for sure.
Ace combat 6 was good on the novice control scheme I just can't get the hang of the normal one I cannot seam to turn left and right very well at all becuase the roll is enabled but heck i like the demo alot so i guess ill try and get the hang of it.
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