So now I've spent some time with both Killzone for the PSP and VP: Lenneth. So far I'm not impressed with the games. VP: Lenneth is not for me and I think I will drop it to a friend or try to sell it in the coming days.
Killzone is... decent. I don't like the aiming system, it's pretty hard (nothing bad in that) but I dont like the checkpoint system. Feels like I've to play the same things over and over again when I die. Sometimes the checkpoints feels very strange. I can play for 15 minutes without a checkpoint. And when I die... well, then I've to play it again. But I guess I will finish it someday.
Bought a 4gb card for the PSP, so now I'll have to get some music and movies on it. Looking forward to that.
iiss229 Blog
The PSP is in the house
by iiss229 on Comments
So... around one year ago I said that I wouldn't get any of the next-gen consoles. Well, now I got 2 (Xbox 360 and a Wii). Tho, that's not all. Now I also own a DS and a PSP.
Can't say that I regret buying the consoles. Some very good games are coming (and some very good games are already out) in the future.
My first 2 games for the PSP are Killzone and Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. Both of them looks awesome so I can't wait to play.
Can't say that I regret buying the consoles. Some very good games are coming (and some very good games are already out) in the future.
My first 2 games for the PSP are Killzone and Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. Both of them looks awesome so I can't wait to play.
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