iiss229 / Member

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Not my cup of tea

So now I've spent some time with both Killzone for the PSP and VP: Lenneth. So far I'm not impressed with the games. VP: Lenneth is not for me and I think I will drop it to a friend or try to sell it in the coming days.

Killzone is... decent. I don't like the aiming system, it's pretty hard (nothing bad in that) but I dont like the checkpoint system. Feels like I've to play the same things over and over again when I die. Sometimes the checkpoints feels very strange. I can play for 15 minutes without a checkpoint. And when I die... well, then I've to play it again. But I guess I will finish it someday.

Bought a 4gb card for the PSP, so now I'll have to get some music and movies on it. Looking forward to that.