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Edited By ilcani

rugripper40 Actually instead of deleting hatemails, I take the time and spellcheck their words, and send it back. I just don't understand, why it is so impossible to understand that the three consoles are offering something different. I just hate articles like these which try and resemble them, and do a bad job at it too. Atleast either do a full comparison in-depth, or point out negatives and positives without naming what the competition has. Leaving, write me up if you wish, won't be coming back to this comment section anymore. Take care...ALL GAMERS!

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Edited By ilcani

rugripper40 At this point, I don't really care anymore what Gamespot does to my account. And trust me, I don't care about all the hatemails, I have received my fair share throughout the years here. And just in case you don't misunderstand me, I am not trying to bash anyones console of choice, never my intention. I am trying to put the gamer first. Something Gamespot should do too. If someone so ordinary like me knows more about these consoles, good or bad, then what GS is featuring in this article, then something is wrong, wouldn't you agree? I could tear that article to pieces and argumenting at every and each point they try to make, but that would be a waste of time, because my post would probably get deleted.

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Edited By ilcani

rosko123 wrote: "Right on ilcani just hope you dont get banned mate. Seriously thought this is meant to be a site for gamers but when a site becomes biased it just becomes a site for some partys supporters when it should be a celebration of all the good things about gaming and not bashing a console that hasnt even launched in Europe yet." -------------------------------- Banned?1 Since my first post here I got 1 warning, that degraded something..dunno what exactly..maybe my percentage level. And I received a couple of hate messages in my inbox from 360bots. I loved Gamespot, it has givin me so many good memories throughout the years, but that has all changed these last 6 months. They don't care, then I don't care. I stand by my words and former posts in this forum, and ban me for all I care.

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Edited By ilcani

Keep it up Gamespot, look at the comments below. Filled with 360Bots all the way, and every sane and well argumented PS3 supporter is either reported to the moderators or has his or her comments deleted. This is truly your first step towards a website which will not have the intention of being there for the gamers, but for one console which you GS are blindly supporting. How much money did MS give for this article this time? How much is enough? It is still not too late for you to turn it around. Start by making real is ok to show the truth Gamespot. Gamers will understand and respect you more. Mention the failratio on 360 vs PS3. Mention the failure of HD DVD vs BD format. Mention the online of 360 which is blown away by Home which is free. Mention the massive amounts of exclusive games PS3, which till this day is more than 360. Mention the amazing launch lineup PS3 has in which the 360s was nothing but shameful. Mention all the lies by MS, about their failratio, their so called timed exclusives, their achievements which is worth nothing, because they can't think more than 2 steps ahead. Mention the crappy controller which makes plastic feel valuable. Mention the noisy 360 which reminds people of a airliner in the livingroom. Mention the only good games 360 has which still do not justify the price it is being sold at. Mention all the so called exclusives that MS has lost to both PC and PS3. Mention the sales charts which clearly show that even after a year and half, the 360 has still not sold enough in PAL territories to be anything but a joke. Mention Japan, where the PS3 is more than doubled the sales in total than 360. Mention the Dev EDGE TOOLS, which Sony has spent time on for the developers. Mention the amazing approach Sony keeps talking year after year after year, to show the rest of the industry where it should be heading, in contrary to MS which would want everything to stand still, so it can make more money on the smallest things. MENTION THE TRUTH! FOR THE GAMERS!

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Edited By ilcani

[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]

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Edited By ilcani

sohamteen wrote: "most decent games on ps3 are comming out for other consoles. the only good exclusive games are resistance and final fantasy. on the other hand xbox has gears of war, mass effect, stranglehold and more. i hav a ps2 but i think 360 is going to be a better console than ps3" Strangehold is coming to PS3 aswell, not a 360 exclu. And PS3 has more than just final fantasy and resistance for exclusiveness, it has Heavenly Sword, DMC4 and not to forget the best game series in the world ...MGS, coming with the new MGS4. Yes mass effect and GoW are cool games, and I have preordered both, but I have preordered around 8 games for the PS3 now and the list is growing. As to wether the 360 is better than the ps3, I don't understand how you can judge that right now. Performance wise the PS3 is a ahead, gaming-wise the controller is better and has tilt function. Game-wise both platforms have exclusive titles and good games, but PS3 has more good titles in general. Online wise...the 360 has a headstart, but the ps3 is free:)

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Yes there is a video at Gametrailers, where you see the ps3 get hooked up and it is very quiet...very. As to the heat, I can't tell because no source has spoken about it, except sony who are claiming it can handle it. And that analyst dude, which pulled a story out of his hat about ps3 heating issues at TGS. Which of course wasn't true, it was because of the games not being in final phase and buggy as hell. Which is very understandable. But so far PS3 seems promising on both the noise and heat issues. I just hope it turns out to be true. Gamers unite!

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Edited By ilcani

second_crimson "I would've considered getting a PS3 if they released a reasonably priced model. It's one thing to spend that much money on a computer, which you can use for multiple things, but I don't have the budget for a $500 gaming platform. Hopefully they'll lower this later on. Because not everyone is rich enough to afford a PS3 right now." This is the only part of Sony that annoys me. I am fine with everything else, the delays and all. Because like Blizzard says, it will get released when it's done! The price of the 20GB should have been around 449 and the 60GB 549 but I don't make the prices, I do agree with you that alot of people might not afford it at release, but I can. And for those who can't, I hope that the prices for the 20GB will drop a bit. Some people like me starting saving up for it after the release date was announced at E3. If the "not so rich" europeans start saving from now, then they will be in a good position of buying the console in march along with all the good titles and the even better titles such as mgs4 and heavenly sword, assasins creed etc. Saving is a good thing.

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Edited By ilcani

rugripper40 you quoted me with this sentence below: "LAWS TO STOP GAMING...LOL....never happen man. I wrote this sentence in my comment: "laws will be made to restrict gaming in ways you never thought possible" Can you read or does your eyes and mind cooperate less when trying to make an argument? And yes, I wrote "restrict" gaming. Gran theft auto is already banned at some countries and other games have received same treatment. Don't expect politicians to not use restrictions of games as a way of winning an election.

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Edited By ilcani

It's amazing how fear is relevant to this console war issue. Get this in your heads, if people want to buy a ps3, they will, and nothing you say on this forum will change that. I am not even gonna quote any of you anymore, some of the things you say is downright ridiculous. GrimBee, you keep surprising me with your level of knowledge (and that is not a compliment), the 360 is not capable of delivering true 1080p, it can only upscale 720. If you have dedicated your life supporting M$, then atleast do it honestly. Keep your facts straight. Fanboy seems to be a populare word these days, and quite honest, I didn't notice when it began. But I will not use it. If people have a 360, then good, because it is a good console, with a crappy controller and a few good games, but hopefully more good games will come, and it shines at online capability. If people want to buy wii, then good, because it is a solid console with 95% of the games targeted for children. But don't call this a nextgen console, plz. If people want to buy a ps3, then good, because it is a good console, with a good controller and alot of good games, although the online capabilities are at a an early phase. No matter what company you support or what product, then plz keep your facts straight. Lying about these stuff makes you sound like a lawyer for these companies, and they already have plenty of those. And by the way, the price is high but people who have bought a 360 with every add on should not use this as a argument, because with all the add ons, the 360 is expencive too. And stop this ridiculous fan war and start uniting for support of these products, one day laws will be made to restrict gaming in ways you never thought possible, and we will look back at times like today to remember all the good stuff we got an opportunaty to play. Gamers unite!