First Blog Post
by ilikeschool on Comments
So this is my first post of Gamespot. I think that I should explain my username to people. When I was younger when I created this account, my friends and I had our own "language." We would speak in opposites, for example if it was cold outside we would say," God it is warm outside." We were young and immature, and one thing that we always said was I like school, meaning we hate school. I couldn't think of a name for my account on here, so I just used that. If I would create an account today my name would be bmdubya. So I got Gears of War last week. It is a pretty good game. It didn't blow me away like everyone else. I mean the graphics did, but I like games with a story, and this one was kind of bland on the story. The action is intense though, let me tell you. I love the camera view when you start to sprent, that is neat. I will say that I still play it because the action is intense. I don't really like games that take 1000000000 shots to kill a person. I liked G.R.A.W. a lot because it was realistic. But Gears is still a fun game. The environments are really good looking. One of my friends got a Wii. It is so great. I am in love with bowling on Wii Sports. The console is great. I didn't realize it was so tiny. But the motion control works great. Sometimes it gets a little screwy, but I think that is because his batteries were running down in his controller. Still though, it is a great console. I am hoping on getting one for Christmas. Zelda looks sweet on it. I saw him play some of the game and from what I have seen it looks great. Well thats all for this time. Hopefully I can get this blog pretty big. Game On.