That's the point- I've read many reviews on both systems and the games they run, but I'm unable to make a decision.
I'm not asking which I would like more, I'm asking which YOU enjoy and why.
I haven't met many who've played Dissidia but everyone has commented that it's worth buying a psp for. I'm undecided about the lack of good titles of the ps3; it's the only thing that concerns me. I have a 360 and own the popular games, so the only titles I have to look forward to on the ps3 are the resistance games, MGS, RE5, Heavenly Sword and such.
FF: Dissidia looks good enough to steer me away from half of those, but I'm still not quite sure.
What it all boils down to is that I'm not quite sure whether the ps3 offers enough competitve online gameplay and good titles for me.
Maybe posting this in a PS3 forum was a bad idea.
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