Lets start off with my thoughts on Nintendo: Wow, what a terrible press conference... I couldn't stand it. Basically Nintendo "We're really rich and you're poor." They're whole press conference was basking in their success, there's no problem to be proud but not at E3. There were so many numbers, how boring... They didn't show enough of their hit games, like MP3, Mario, and mario kart Wii. They're biggest annoucnements were th3 W11 z4pp3r (z0mg just w4ht 1 w4n7ed!), the Wii wheel (ummm hello there are already wii wheels availible...... omg....) AND THEY'RE FINALLY AWESOME UB3R GAME, WII FIT!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG SW337!!!
NOTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why would they end e3 with a stupid game like wii fit?!!!!!!!!! WTF! Thats my rant on Nintendo's disgraceful garbage terrible E3.
Microsoft: Well not the best conference but a hell of a lot better than Nintendo's. Halo 3 looks hella sweet and will be awesome, and Mass effect, wow it's be so aw3s0m3. The intro and ending were absolutely pheonaminal (spelling error). Started with Halo ended with Halo, classic. The Halo edition Xbox 360 is well...UGLY!!!! Cool none t3h less but the color looked like diareha. Like Nintendo M$ had too many numbers.... We want to entertained! Not look at NUMB3R5!
Sony: Awesome comeback sony!!! Congtratulations. I used to not everwant the PS3 but Sony's fantastice press conference changed my mind, I don't feel like typing anymore so goodbye.