ima_lemming's forum posts
8800gt superclocked: does it need extra cooling?
hi, i am fairly new to upgrading pc's and i am thinking of updating my graphics card.
My current setup is a athlon x2 6000+, ati 2600xt, 2gig ram, vista32, standard mobo and a standard dell fan.
i also have my computer on my desk, near a window, so air circulation is normally good.
i was wondering whether or not i would have to get extra cooling if i were to get the superclocked/regular 8800gt?
and if so what would you recommend?
help would be awesome
Its almost mathmatically impossible for PS3 to win in North America Sales... which are most important number to consider when looking at games actually available to us in the states... By the time PS3 could possible catch up, the next gen xbox will already be revealed and thus obsolete. Halo 3 is the only game I really need for the next 2 years or so.. everything else is a bonus.
but on the offset that it does win, most 360 owners could probably start saving for the next gen consoles or buy a ps3 when it is dirt cheap. so EVEN IF xbox does lose, 360 owners still win
i have had an xbox since June last year, so i have enjoyed tons of great games over the time i have brought it and there is no doubt in my mind that it was the right purchase for me.
With the price cuts from ps3 late last year and the massive price cuts for the 360 earlier this year, i am assuming there will be another major price cut for the ps3 sometime soon. i also think IF the xbox boat does start sinking it will take a good year and a bit for it to become clearly inferior to the ps3.
i also image there to be several more price cuts to both consoles before this happens. that means that even if the ps3 does win the "OMG CONSOOL WAR!!" it will probably be at the $250 price tag or even below in the far east. that means after a couple of months of saving up i and most gamers could probably buy a 40gig ps3 and whatever super cool must have ps3 games needed.
or i could just upgrade my PC.
I'm not trolling. I'm just saying even if xbox does fail and ps3 wins i don't think it will be too much of a loss for the gaming world. and im glad for the good 2-3 years the xbox will have given me.
(btw ive never had any hardware problems with my xbox)
i had the same problem, its probably because you are using one of the older wireless controllers. don't worry just phone up their (m$) support line and tell them your new wireless headset wont work with your old wireless controller. that's what i did and they are sending me another wireless controller (and i got to keep my older one as well!! w00t!!). don't worry the phone line is free.
if you are English its 0800 587 1102
American 1-800-4MY-XBOX
ps if it isnt one of the older premuim bundle controller dont worry, just lie and say it is
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