Thank you all, who continue to support and read my writing. Expressing myself via words is one of my only forte's, and when I do not receive comments on my blogs, I feel unworthy as a writer - but I'm not a very good one in retrospect.
Today is more or less a free-day. This is the first day that I haven't seen Kati [until later this evening]. Therefore, time is an asset that I must take advantage of. I decided to play more of Darksiders and continue to progress through this sleeper-hit-gem. To be honest, this game is becoming ... exhilarating. I just now defeated the lackluster boss: The Stygian.
This giant worm slithers its way underneath the ashes and emerges frantically to charge at you - all you have to do is be mounted on your horse, Ruin and use Mercy [your gun] and unleash bullets to the opening of its mouth. On some occasions, The Stygian will make its way to the middle of the field and raise out of the ground; let out a pivotal scream that summons young baby Ash Titans. It's the same repetitive process: run around - shoot and kill the offspring. Over a period of repetition, you'll defeat the boss gruesomely and aesthetically.
End spoilers!
While I was facing The Stygian, I felt nostalgia overwhelm my persona, and now I'm in the mood to watch "Tremors." Anyway, in my opinion this game is hectic - in the sense that it's too long. Though it's a fantastic game with a lot of exploration and collectibles - puzzle solving and keen adventure with battles along the way, it feels too bulky and dragged on. It's hard to remain in-touch and compelled to the story. The only thing that makes the narrative worthwhile is War's voice, which is purely awesome. I'm hoping to finish the rest of the game in the next two days - depends on how busy I become.
My next game purchase most likely will be BioShock. I've played and have beaten this masterpiece before, but I don't necessarily remember the essence of the story - nor the plot and antagonist of Andrew Ryan. [It's hard for me to remember story-lines in video-games.]
Well, that's it for this blog. It is now nap-time. I feel like a child. I'll leave with an interesting quote by Toba Beta. "Today, there are problems that could only be solved by people which are still to be born later. This is one of many ways how God replies to mankind's questions and prayers."