A few weeks back I wrote a blog speaking on relationship advice - and my first golden nugget spoke on understanding; dealing with your loved one's emotions, and how to provide in that general aspect. This next tidbit will feature two important issues that I call the "Two C's": Communication and Consideration.
To give an example, I want to use me and Kati. If you begin to wonder, no, I am not bragging at all.
Communication plays such a vital role in every relationship, and what makes our relationship so firmly beneficial and consistently growing, is our aide to communicate to one another - which is genuinely the key to any successful relationship. Why is this? The reason is because communication breaks barriers - to personal issues, emotionally and physically, and it always spices up how you treat one another, whether that's in a jokingly manner, serious tone, or a lighter sensation. Point being: it creates open lanes to new roads.
Kati and I tell each other everything that is either making us happy, sad, irritated and frustrated, if we've made each other mad or annoyed - and it only helps ease the tension and we're able to talk our situations out and understand each other in a more concerning and convincing way. Most people need to take time in this area - and I'm not saying we have it down to a science, but we do have something that I wholeheartedly believe is rare. This is what makes our relationship so valid.
Communication is also highly important for this sole reason: assurance. One of my previous blogs spoke on my first initial fight with Kati. We eventually worked things out, but she exhibited that things would be okay between us and that "We'll get into a million fights. It's normal." You see, that references many positive outcomes - that even though we'll disagree and bicker, our love for one another will conquer and things will be at aplomb. Plus, assuring each other that you love or miss one another randomly throughout the day is a burst of motivation and support from transcendent aloofness.
Next on the list is consideration. This could be classified as "understanding," but it goes much further than that on many degrees.
Let's be blatantly honest: most guys lack in this key department. We're involuntarily prideful and selfish. Hopefully, I can lighten your load with personal experiences. Question: What do most men prefer and care for? Answer: Food, sexual interactions, silence, and relaxation. That is a big no, no!
Consideration means the process of giving careful thought when making decisions. Listen, friends - it is an absolute must that we take interest in the things that our boyfriend or girlfriend enjoys. In personal procedure, I loathe on country music. Nonetheless, she throughly loves it. Therefore, when we're taking drives, I let her listen to her music. Not all the time of course - we balance it out between my stations and hers. Guess what, though? I began to be open-minded about this genre of music and now I can't get enough of it.
By doing things as such, it'll benefit your relationship immensely. In fact, you might grow accustomed to their likes and take an interest for it yourself, and when two people are interested in something - it only helps bring each other closer together and creates more opportunities to do new and exciting things that, in probability, you never imagined doing.
Another thing you all can do is favors. Even if it doesn't give you fulfillment or makes you one-hundred percent content, it's about their happiness and not yours [all the time]. When I'm over at Kati's household and she cooks dinner, instantly after she does the dishes. Once again, I abhor this chore. However, I still help out because she finds it repugnant when she has to do the dishes alone. And when she's happy, I'm happy - in more ways than one [always remember that!].
There you have it, communication and consideration. It's dire to learn more about your significant other - and be able to provide for their heart without asking. There is a saying that goes, "People say a lot when they say nothing at all." That saying goes a long way - for it is one of the greatest assets to communication and consideration intertwined in one. When you don't have to say anything - and willingly do favors for one another without asking, it is most likely one of the greatest gusto's that can override your heart.