I posted a status on Facebook the other day about staying faithful to a relationship, and not moving from one guy or girl to another immediately after a break up. To clear things up, I was not being judgmental. For an odd reason, this has struck an odd obsession with me over the past few days that I cannot clear out of my head. I received a comment that featured a Bible verse, Matthew 7:1 - "Do not judge so that you will not be judged." Thus, automatically assuming presumptuously that I am judging people via status. That's not true.
Here is what my status initially said:It's kind of annoying seeing people in relationship after relationship in just a matter of days. The idea of "relationship" means long lasting and staying together. Especially when you get engaged, that ends, and then have a new boyfriend or girlfriend a week later. Learn to pick your people, and learn to stay faithful.
If that sounds judgmental - let it - it wasn't. It's called truth. And yes, it is annoying. I do not care if you're a devout Christian who spends their time in the Bible all day, even in prayer, or if you're an Atheist who spends their time attempting to debunk all formalities of The Bible; the idea of "relationship" and staying faithful will always remain, and those words that I uttered a few days ago will also remain pure, even if people don't take it to heart any longer in this world that doesn't necessarily believe in monogamy.
Now here is the truth - whether people want to admit it willingly or keep it to themselves; I was judged by the comment that featured the Bible verse. Before I continue, let me state for the record: I am not trying to defend "my case." I'm simply calling it as I see it.
As I was saying, I was judged. How you may say? By commenting on my status with a "learn to judge accordingly" Bible verse, this person was assuming that I was judging someone in particular, which I wasn't. My status was directed towards me, my family, everyone in general. Once again, my status rings true: Stay faithful in your relationships. I do believe Jesus Christ himself would agree as well - staying faithful to Him. Since we're His wife, and He's coming back for us, He wants us to love our husbands and wives as He loves the church. I could write another blog about that, but if He stays faithful for us eternally and forever gracefully, we should also remain faithful to our husbands and wives, and be in a committed relationship and not train-hopping to one person to the other.
That is my point. If you (anyone) believe I was judging, that is fine - you're all entitled to your own opinion. Nonetheless, I wholeheartedly believe, Christian or not, you cannot disagree with my status. Also, we're aloud to judge sin, not the person, and we're also supposed to speak the truth (with love). I may not have offered "love," which I do accept my problem in that aspect, but I did bring out the truth - and the truth will always set you free.