I don't like to hide who I am via an international website; i.e., Face-Book, MySpace, and even GameSpot. Therefore, I figured I'd give everyone a glimpse of who I am. Enjoy.
Yes, I am usually this happy when it comes to ordering food, and eating it as well. Don't mind the giraffe shirt. I know, it's mildly gay but the only reason I had that shirt on was because, before I went out to eat, I was at the zoo with a few friends and was accumulating in deep sweat, so I willingly bought a twenty dollar shirt in order to change and look mediocre. Great times. Oh, and in case you are wondering, I destroyed the chicken alfredo that wonderful day.
Personally, I think this picture is a lot better. It was taken during one of my photo-shoots. No, I am not a model, although I could be one; I'm real handsome, just kidding, ha-ha.
Well, that's me. I'm most likely not what people expected. Nonetheless, in the words of the infamous Popeye, "I am what I am!"