I don' care that this is fake, I want King K. Rool and I want him NOW!
imjusthatawsum's forum posts
I'll give you top 5:
1. Gears of War (duh)
2. Oblivion (for such a big game, it's a beauty)
3. Crackdown (love the style)
4. Forza (customization never looked so real)
5. Rainbow Six: Vegas (never played it but what I've seen looks cool)
Donkey Kong 64
The only N64 game that I still play today, although I've probably beaten it about 5-7 times over
f the list, I've only played Guitar Hero 2 and Forza Motorsport 2.
I recommend Guitar Hero, it's so much fun and entirely worth the wait!
Yeah, now I have to think of the other games I'm getting this year, which ones to scrp for now cuz I'm gunna need mucho dinero for GH3, Rock Band, a new ax and drums.
Halo 3with no doubt.
For you guys who were arguing about how overhyped up Halo is, I agree that there is a lot of hype around it. HOWEVER, the hype comes from success. After 2 brilliant installments, with thesecond having phoenomenal XBOX Live play, it's obvious there's going to be a fan base (a quite large one) that is going to add hype to the game. I can guarantee you that when GoW2 is nearing a release we are going to hear it is "overhyped". Well, everyone who says that can suck it because Bungie and Epic have worked d*** hard to produce d*** good games that many people love and want to see more of. For people saying "what if Halo doesn't live up to the hype" and bull like that, you obviously have not played the flipping beta. It was fantastic and all of the new additions added in for an even better experience than Halo 2. Microsoft and Bungie deserve to have this series go out with a bang, and a big one at that, so you can go play your Call of Duty and shoot through walls at all of your little friends on Live while Halo 3 is living up, if not suceeding the hype it has gotten and is being played by millions on Live. In conclusion, suck it.
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