DOTA is the worst game ever made!!!!
by immadbro on Comments
It's about time I made a rant. i will be ranting about one of the worst games ever made, Defense Of The Ancients. yeah, you heard me, any civilized person who has played Warcraft 3 (which there aren't many of) would agree with me, Defense Of The Ancients is the worst game ever made from what i have played. At first dota was just a game type made by Ice Frog which eventually became a mainstream hit amongst many rts gamers due to the fact that it was the first custom game type ever made. Dota was so popular that more people played it than ladder/official games because it was a lot simpler and easier, many pro wc3 players find pro dota players to be noobs due to less micro management and less skill. when I first played dota I was horrified, the game play is just so linear that the game literally becomes a grind race. Not only that but the game is so compact that players can 3 shot you at an even level making the game play initially dry for the most part, the player who gets the kill pretty much dominates the entire match and eventually it takes a whole team to take down 1 person due to somebody dying. This often ends in a rage fest amongst the players which can vary between a trash talking contest or a massive freak out. As bad as this is already, this often leads to rage quitting/kicking due to the fact that your teammates literally cannot afford to lose, though this may seem understandable to some of you mlg pro's out there, it's definitely nothing to rage over because dota is just a game made by some random guy, there are no mlg leagues, no money opportunities (until recently with dota 2), nothing, it's just a stupid game that deserves to go down with it's half dead community. Not only is the game a massive verbal disaster but it is also one of the most elitist games ever made, every dota player is automatically classed as an elitist (if they play it all the time) because they are playing in a game type that auto kicks anyone who hasn't downloaded the game type, this is wrong, how are we supposed to learn the complex online skills without playing the game!? I asked this question to a lot of players and they said "omgz play local" which wouldn't really work since i have no friends who play the game and i don't have 2 computers. Not only that but how am i going to get better by playing alone against the computer, how am i supposed to know my characters builds? How am I supposed to learn tactics? How am I supposed to learn basic commands? Because I can't since no one lets me play the game! I managed to download the game due to finding a non host bot game and then I was granted access to the game. after getting killed by the opponent due to not knowing what i was doing/how to play I was kicked by my teammates for "feeding" aka giving the opponents free kills and free money which is very hard not to do unless you are afk/have a good setup because your opponents will seek out new players and kill them for easy money/kills thus they will come from every angle, often using stealth to sneak behind you, unfortunately a scroll of town portal doesn't work like it does in official games. So basically if you get back stabbed by a more experienced player, it's run or die, unless you get stunned that is, if so then you can say bye bye. Personally, dying isn't much of a problem for me, most of the time I just laugh when I die (especially since I die half the time because I don't know how to play) my teammates on the other hand suffer from this also and the only way for them to keep hold of their strong ego in such dire situations is to kick me from the match, either that or start raging which is hilariously funny but extremely explicit. Copy and paste this video link to continue reading this rant: *mature language*
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