@VarietyMage @immadbro nothing weould change, so long as activision remains in control of blizzard, microtransactions and always online drm will still exist
@VarietyMage i don't think you really understand the problem, activision IS the problem, not the developers, the dev's are just doing their job, activision are an evil greedy company.
@VarietyMage that wouldn't change anything, this is all activisions doing, activision dictated what they wanted with the game, the developers are not at fault here. heck the only reason why blizzard brought out diablo 3 in the first place is because activision told them to.
it's not rob parko's fault, it's activision's fault, every since activision merged with blizzard, blizzard have sucked badly. stupid real world auction house and always online DRM, that is all activisions fault.
immadbro's comments