Hey guys, i was wondering if GRID (xbox360) had splitscreen. In codemasters faq thay said they wouldent but team xbox.com says it has 1-2 players offline?? to thouse of you who have it, dose it have Splitscreene? Thanks!
sorry for being anoying, but im not non violent I have cod4 and stuff. anyway I was thinking of any racing, or skating game but im open to sugjestions. thanks
sorry for anoying you guys, but im not saying i dont like violense, ive got cod 4 and stuff i just want a chane. I like anything where your rasing or on some sort of transportation lol sorry im being vauge.
hey dose any one have any sugjestions on good nonviolent games ( by nonviolent I mean not having violense as the main thing) Dose skate 2 look good? what about PURE? im open to sugjestions thanks
HI, Im going to get cod 4 soon and have seen on some online videos that when someone is hit in the head after a wile pood pools under them, however ive only seen this in select spots like in THE END where you head shot the 3 people with the pistol, or in MILE HIGH CLUB where you head shot the guy with the hostage, so this is my queston: dose that happen to all people head shotted or is it just in those few cases. thanks so much !!!
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