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impalerking Blog

They've declared war against the world... of Warcraft.

Let me get straight here. I'm not a WoW player. I played for 1-2 months to check it out. I commit myself at most times to not talk about WoW, just like i commit myself to not join console wars discussions. But given the amount of buzz generated by the Cataclysm expansion release, and the rather heated discussions that followed, i'm gonna risk becoming a human target for the haters and pop an opinion on the subject.

I'd say there are a few sides on this matter:

First, everyone that judges another person's preference is undoubtedly wrong. Yes, that includes me. You're entitled to your opinion but that does NOT mean that you can shove it on everyone's head. Stick with it but don't be a hater nor a fanboy. There is a rule of thumb here: If you say what you want, you risk hearing what you don't.

Second, Blizzard is "milking" us out on our money monthly? Sure is. Blizzard is a COMPANY for God's sake! Some people have forgotten the true objective of any company, which is to profit with its products and services. That is part of capitalism, you can do pretty much whatever you want to make money, as long as you're inside the legal terms. If any of you people who so devotedly curse Blizzard for their actions, was actually MAKING money because of this game instead of losing it, you would not be hating it and that is a fact. Prove me wrong.

Third. Many games claimed to be the "WoW killer". Many failed. Why? Because WoW takes advantage of something the overwhelming part of us, gamers, like: the Warcraft lore. When WoW launched it was as if our greatest dreams came true. We were really walking on Azeroth. Those expansions and added contents are just another feature. Why not Starcraft? Why not Diablo then? Who knows. Maybe Blizzard went with it's biggest series. 4 released games, all a huge success. As a Warcraft player it makes me very happy to know that there is a team devoted only to making this world that is the Warcraft lore expand and pretty much run itself. That is the true secret behind any game, not only WoW. Make it look like it actually lives and create a remarking and pleasant experience for the players. Of course you can't please everyone, but you can please a major part of them and that's where profit comes in.

Fourth. Why is it so hard to simply accept something? The slight breeze of change strikes the hearts of some people out there and drives them mad! It's quite simple: If you hate Wow, Blizzard and/or anything related to it, just don't play it. That's it. I don't play it, i'm sure you can too.

Fifth. "I don't play WoW, i have a life". "You play an MMO? Get a life, Loser". Those words became quite common lately. Define having a "life" please, mr. hater. Where do you spend your 24 hours per day? Where did this compulsion on controlling other people's lives came from? You're not satisfied with only 1 life, yours? Buy a cat, control his nine and leave me alone. I can safely say that i spend at least 40 hours per week playing. I still find lots of things to do with the remaining 128 hours of the week. I HAVE a life. It involves, but is not limited to, gaming, which is a passion. If you like skating, or dancing, or base jumping, that's not a waste of your life. It could be from someone else perspective but you never waste time by doing things you like to do. Let's all learn that for a better and more comprehensive tomorrow.

Last but not least, the game does look amazing, it has great points and i'm sure it also has many flaws yet to be perfected. But as we all know, you don't simply have the biggest MMO on the world by doing mostly wrong stuff, we just got to accept that once again Blizzard has hit the market with a exciting story, welcome graphical improvements and nice gameplay changes on this new expansion set. To all WoW players, i wish a great gaming experience and to all other gamers i wish a rewarding and pleasant experience in whatever game you may be playing now.