Other - Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes & The Phantom Pain. I realize that these are two separate games, but I am giddy with anticipation for both of them! Also Metal Gear Online.
imtheman2013's forum posts
I would personally enjoy a remake of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake because I've never played them. And I think that going back and playing that kind of game, especially with the kind of stealth that I've come to know and love,, would be an extremely hard pill to swallow. I love the Metal Gear series, but I don't think I'll be playing the original Metal Gear unless Hideo makes a remake or something. Until then, I'm content with watching people live stream it and simply reading the story line.
After the original Assassin's Creed came out and I absolutely loved it, one can only imagine how hype the trailer got me for ACII... I can't even count the number of times I've watched this trailer.
The only lore that I ever really got into was The Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings. I found myself reading a lot of the books that you can buy in the world for a couple of reasons: strategic advantages and general curiosity. As anyone who has played the game knows, The Witcher series is essentially about monster hunting, with a politically dark and gritty plot. Reading books that explained the world really helped me get immersed in it's somewhat confusing story. Also, from my experience, The Witcher has one of the tougher combat systems of any RPG I've played. This is another reason why I read the books in the world, to get an advantage on the monsters that I would likely hunt. If I knew that a monster I was hunting was weak to a certain item or ability before I hunted it, it would definitely make the fight go a lot smoother.
With games like Skyrim and Fallout though, I feel as though the lore just comes up naturally, through dialogue with NPC's. The books and scrolls, at least in my case, were secondary.
@SpiderLuke: I would definitely recommend picking up the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix. If you still own it on PS2, then you know how the camera controls with the L2 and R2 buttons... which is frankly awful. In the HD Remix, they've fixed the camera movement by setting the right analog stick to control it. Also, it's the Final Mix version of KH1, which I had never played.
As for the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remakes, I don't plan on getting them for my PS3, but I do plan on getting them for the Vita. I just have a feeling that FFX on the Vita will be absolutely amazing!
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