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imthemostwanted Blog


Man what a terrible week. Its exam time at school at the moment. i should probably be studying for Science right now...but then my blog would be late. Again. Oh well, It's not like i'll do well i even if i study :D

It rained on Guy Fawkes (like it does EVERY YEAR). For those who don't know, here in New Zealand, we have a holiday every year on the 5th of November called Guy Fawkes because a couple of hundred years ago on the 5th of November, a dude called Guy Fawkes decided to blow up the houses of parliment in london while the king was inside, only he failed. It's basicly just an excuse for people to get drunk and let off fireworks. The only catch is, it rains EVERY SINGLE YEAR for some reason. It's like god actually wanted the houses of parliment blown up.

Here's a real interesting take on the whole Modern Warfare 2 civilian killing thing over on IGN that's worth reading. some great points in there.

Happy Halloween

i've decided not to call these things just "Weekly Blog" anymore. It's a bit boring.

So happy halloween for tomorrow people. What are people going as? leave a comment :)

I've decided to dress up as Nathan Drake for halloween. Just because i'm too lazy to get some Master Chief armour.

it would be cool to have these dudes knock on your door though :D

then again. i'll probly just half-ass my cosume. like this guy


Dj Hero's out this week. I can't believe my PS3 chose this month to die. MLS.

Here's IGN's review of it. Sorry GameSpot. I don't like your reviews as much.

Weekly Blog 26-10-09

sorry it's late. been away all weekend.

speeking of the weekend, Armageddon was on. itwas awesome. for tose who don't know, armageddon is this big pop culture and gaming expo.

i got to play DJ Hero. So much harder than it looks lol. I really dont like the cross fader on the controller's very difficult to use. it should be able to snap back to the middle on like a spring or something. but thats just my opinion. the mixes i played were awesom. If you only play one mix in the game, make sure it's the Daft Punk/Queen one. Insane.

There were some brilliant cosplayers aswell. saw about 3 master chiefs, a couple of Star Wars clones and a dude in normal clothes carrying around the best buster sword replica I've ever seen.

since my PS3 died i decided to go and buy some PS2 games i never played. Anyone wanna tell me an easy way to beat Dr Nefarious in Ratchet and Clank 3? haha.

thats all folks.

Weekly Blog 16-10-09

so i've decided to move these things to friday. so sorry for the wait (well actually no. it's just putting off you guys reading about my boring life. no biggie). it just makes more sense.

I got Muse's new album The Resistance.

Simply brilliant.

I also just saw 500 Days of Summer. It was got to be one of the best movies i've seen this year.


just my luck. the week that Uncharted 2 and Brutal Legend come out. FML. Oh well. i'll get a slim. anyone wanna lend me $600? (You read correctly. New Zealand likes getting ripped off for some reason.)

Toy Story 3 anyone?

Weekly Blog: 06-10-09

i've decided what i want for christmas:

please god o mighty.

Watched the Tua vs Cameron fight over the weekend. Fight of the Century...yeah right. It was so short it can fit into a YouTube Vid! 3:07 minutes. $40 on PPV?!?! i want my money back.

im totaly pumped for:

i won? i won!

wow. i won the hotspot homework assignment. here it is

Annoying rodent enemies Every first-person game seems to have these tiny little enemies that hop at your face, are hard to hit and, worse of all, are unsatisfying to kill. How many of us were enthralled with Elder Scrolls: Oblivion during the opening prison escape, only to find ourselves in a cave with a rusty sword, trying to kill freaking rats? Seriously? Rats? In the game that was supposed to change gaming forever? How many of us still actually enjoy shooting head crabs in the Half Life games, having slain half a million of them? How many Wii owners were thrilled to have a frenzied shooter like Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles only to find themselves shooting those pathetic leech things off the floor in room after room? The only thing less satisfying is ... Bullets that have no visible effect. If we shoot a zombie in the arm, we want his arm to blow off. If we shoot him in the knee, we want him to limp. And if we shoot him in the head, we want his head to explode. We want our bullets to create wounds. Sword-fighting games like Oblivion are worse. You can slash the bad guy in the face with your blade and it does nothing. The enemy looks perfectly normal until he finally falls over dead, as if he had a heart attack from the excitement. Why give us a sword if we can't decapitate people? Don't tell us the system can't handle it, we were blowing off zombie limbs in House of the Dead a decade ago. It's not about our blood thirst (well, not just about that), it's about making us feel like we're accomplishing something as we work our way through hordes of cookie-cutter bad guys. Oh, hey, you know what else we hate? Filling the game with hordes of cookie-cutter bad guys. This is another one of those problems that are exacerbated by new-gen graphics. Now that we can do photo-realistic faces, it's suddenly very weird that we're killing hundreds of identical clones. How hard would it be to randomize facial features and skin tones? That's what we want, to feel like we're killing hundreds of different people. Not a bunch of clones or twins. We want to know, deep down, that there are hundreds of grieving mothers out there, lamenting the terror of our dreaded blade.