imthemostwanted's forum posts
If this proves true, I will probably break down and cry with happiness.
I like sniping:D. Its more satisfying to me to take someone out with a single shot rather than spray them with bullets. How do you play?
I havn't actually seen that guy ever post a positive review.And it seems though IGN and GS are the only 2 that actually like it. Destructoid ripped it a new one.
well see medal of honor and RE: Director's cut weren't very good :D The only review that got me angry at the reviewer was Transformers: War for Cybertron, which GS gave a 6.5. I don't usually call reviewer's idiots but my god this guy completely omitted anything about that game's awesome multiplayer and focused on the bad elements of the game, while failing to notice where it shined. But that's just my opinion.
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