So the man who criticized the japanese gaming industry for remaining stale and not innovating is making a game almost identical to the most famous game he ever made? In the 80's? Hypocrisy must pay well.
The worst aspect of this in my eyes is EBGames and Gamestop all buy the stock new from these companies. If this puts them under, then we're back to buying games from places like Zellers, and they don't exist anymore. (I know Future Shop and Best Buy will still be around but you all get me). It sucks to say, but in some ways we should all just quit gaming and let the dust settle on this suckhole age.
This is still going to be a fantastic game, even with the co-op. One of the biggest reasons these games are so awesome is that the madness not only shows how twisted the characters are or become, it is also an excellent way to slowly explain something about them to you without long crazy cutscenes. The thing about only wanting to play this game solo is you really miss out on the true experience that visceral is trying to convey. Yeah you play it alone and you get the Isaac story, but Carver is part of the lore now too, and he is linked to the events on Tau Volantis as well, so without Carver's take you miss a good portion of the human element that is a core facet of the Dead Space franchise. It is human drama, and without Carver's peice you are selling yourself short the full experience. Also, this is the only game series I ever found that combines the best of Silent Hill with the best of Resident Evil.
This is a growing trend amongst triple AAA title manufacturers. Square-enix, capcom, Konami, etc. These companies are all repackaging games to sell in a new market, and successfully doing so. This trend must stop with the consumers ultimately, if this Street Fighter 25th had super poor sales they might rethink this strategy. These companies think us gamers stupid, and by continually buying in we're proving them right. Personally I have a hard time supporting Capcom anyway after the whole Legends 3 debacle. I love Megaman and they've totally forgotten fans who aren't just looking for a new star force or classic megaman (although star force hasn't seen a new iteration either).
That is so neat. As MG Saeba said it is now way more veratile for travel purposes. However, one must also wonder at what cost does this come? The innovation has come forward a great many steps in competing with the DS, but will the price of the unit return to the original asking price of the PSP? If so then it once again stands little chance in fighting the DS toe to toe. That is all IMO however, lol, still incredibly cool tho.
in2DarKneSs' comments