Heck GS still hasn't posted a review for Gravity Rush & its already out. The 1 game which clearly has been the front runner of hype amongst gamers, I just dont get it.
My issues with this article & GS : I open GS, I goto the vita page, click on 'all' category hoping to see details on games for vita which were shown on the E3 floor like Soul Sacrifice,Little Big Planet Vita, Retro City Rampage, Persona 4, Assassins's creed 3: liberation, Jet set Radio HD, New Little King's story, Sound Shapes,Sly Cooper Thieves in Time, etc. Yet the only article GS linked to the vita page from the E3 coverage is this bullshit 'troll paradise' which only puts sony under bad light. WtF is your problem with Vita GS? Do you hate sony? or you just want to post articles which create controversy and gets you more clicks?
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