OLED is better then QLED!!!
indigenous_euphoria's forum posts
@the-a-baum: That's what they do...change the narrative when it suits them best. First it was power and now it's games. And somehow PSnow coming to PC doesn't equal PS loosing exclusive's but when Xbox games are on PC it means we have no exclusive's?......... Ridiculous!!!
@SolidGame_basic: Nope he's spot on. The uncharted games have horrible game play and piss poor shooting mechanic's. Same with Killzone and most other Sony first party. Oh and GT sucks compared to FM! The only Sony exclusives that are good is the GOW games. Although that might change as the new GOW looks to be a GOW/UC/The last of Us/babysitting game lol
Yeah they do! What Microsoft should have done is paid whatever it would have taken to get Anthem as an exclusive!!
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