pogswarts: This is not true. Diretc3D 10 introduced a ton of under the hood features, and completely changed the way that the GPU pipeline worked. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct3D#Direct3D_10
These articles are misleading. Both use consoles use completely different APIs, completely different programming toolsets, and completely different hardware. Where the Xbox 360 uses DirectX, the PS3 uses an derived version of OpenGL 2.0. If anything, these articles show just how ignorant GameSpot and its technical staff are to the underlying issues of why the consoles perform and look differently in motion. Maybe you should spend more time reviewing the huge backlog of games that were never reviews and less time trying to make the PS3 look like a piece of crap, then maybe people might take your website seriously. As it stands, you seem to be going out of your way to look like morons.
Only the 64-bit version of Vista requires signed drivers. The 32-bit versions will install unsigned drivers just like XP will. As for DirectX 10, it's available in Home Premium, Business, and Ultimate. As for the security features, each version has the same features; networking security, firewall, UAC, etc. BitLocker is an extra that is not required and is only available to Ultimate as a download, but most users don't/won't need it.
indigoAK200's comments