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ya ud better run(gizmojerry)

there wuz this guy on my psn frends list called gizmojerry. he wuz 1 of my very first frends and i totaly trusted him. 1 day i wuz playin cod4 wen i received a mesage from him. the subject was "free games." i went 2 read it and it was askin if i wanted grand turismo 5 free. i replied yes and he asked me 2 giv him my email and password. this sorta stuned me so i askd him y. he sed he was gonna download it onto my profile so i cud play him. i new gizmo prety wel so i figerd i cud trust him. but i was stil coshus. so i changed my email and gave him it along with my password. i figerd that i wud just change it afterword so he cudnt get bak on. sudenly i was signed out otimaticly and a mesage in the corner red sumone was on my account. i tride to get bak on but it sed i was entering the rong password. thats wen i new id been betrayd. this is the part where u have 2 lissen. dont underestimate the the "forgot your password" thing. its the rezon i stil have the same account. i clikd on it and wasnt sher reely wat 2 enter. i just put the stuf i figerd i normaly wud. it worked. once i was signed in i qikly changed my password and my email. wen i chekd my frends list it sed that gizmojerry was online. wen he saw me online he qikly signed out obviusly tryin 2 get bak on my account with the old email and his changed password. up until then i had just been watchin to c his reaction. finaly i decided to delete him. but wen i scrolled down my frends list i cudnt find him. hed deleted me. ya ud better run. i qikly sent him a cursing, insulting mesage and then blocked him in case he tride to reply. i felt prety stupid after that but mostly relieved that i stil had an account. if u ever c gizmo on psn try and get him bak for me. thnx.