Call of Duty 4 is getting heavy playing time in the xbox strictly for online play. the speed of the play i think is what seperates it from normal games and what is keeping it as the most popular online fps. the single player is fun, having trouble getting through the veteran maps but still fun as all hell.
Devil May Cry 4 is amazing, nothing else to say about it. Introducing Nero as a character and then letting you play as Dante is hardcore. As much as i like Dante, i think however Nero was more enjoyable because of the abilities of his arm. The alley oops are fun and just adds a different aspect to kicking someones ass. Achievements are fun but can take forever, so i think im gonna shoot for em anyway cause the game is really that fun.
Guitar Hero 3, always fun even though beating the same songs over and over again are a pain and always buying new tracks gets expensive. I wanna see at one point where they allow all songs from past games able to be downloaded for free or let you select 15 songs from the other games you liked best to be free downloads. A little excited about the Aerosmith edition coming out also.
Looking forward to playing Army of Two.
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