The American Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) has given ManHunt 2 by the controversial Rockstar Games, an AdultOnly (AO) rating. The first potentially mainstream game to receive the rating since the ESRB's inception has left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.
I don't disagree with the ESRB that this game probably deserved the rating. Unfortuneately, their descriptions of their ratings doesn't help explain why this game would receive this rating after seeing Halo, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War, and Doom 3 all receive a Mature (M) rating. These gamescould all be argued that they have"prolonged scenes of intense violence". A description used for AO not M.
So why am I worried if I agree with the ESRB? Well, the weird thing aboutthe USA;is that, it is a hodgepodge of conservatism and liberalism. There are two interesting cultural conflicts going on here. One is the fact that conservatives don't like deviations from family values. Extreme violence, most sexual content, and bad language are not widely supported the further to the right of the political spectrum you go. However, they believe that government shouldn't get involved in dictating family values and would rather have parents decide what is best for their children. It works the opposite way for liberals and the further left you go along the political spectrum. Liberals don't mind a little violence, sexual content, or bad language. But in a weird twist, they see that conservatives don't like it and think that the government should step in to tell everyone what to do for the benefit of the people who don't want government to interfere in their lives in the first place.
The other conflict is the continual hypocrisy that is allowed between the various entertainment media. Books with sexual content and strong violence can be sold out in the open of children, which in today's society is probably a good thing (who can read a book nowadays?). Movie cinemas allow just about anyone to see a movie if someone of a "responsible" age buys the tickets (toddlers asking why? in a R rated movieanyone?). And to top it off, video games can be bought by anyone because retailers do not have to enforce the ESRB ratings (although complaints will mount and sales might suffer if Any-Mart allows a 5-year old to buy Doom 3). Anyone want to see how bad things are getting? Check this video out.
So together we have a continued mix of checks and balances that are completely ineffective.All the major console manufacturers have said no to AO. In today's culture, I can't blame them. I wish it was different and they would allow Manhunt 2 to be played as it is, but in the interest of the greater good it is the best we can expect.
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